Boost Your Business with a White-Label Product and Document Authentication Track & Trace Platform

This is the first blog post for NanoMatriX’s White-Label Product and Document Authentication Track-and-Trace Platform Series.


With the track and trace solutions market projected to witness a 17.7% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) until 2030, the demand for such solutions is rapidly increasing. Regulatory requirements and increasing consumer demands for transparency regarding product origins and supply chain movements are among the top two factors contributing to the rise in demand for track-and-trace solutions. Other factors include:

  • Digital Product Passports: A Digital Product Passport creates a digital twin of a physical product, securely documenting events, transactions, and sustainability-related details throughout its lifecycle. Both consumers and regulators require this data, which organizations can only obtain through a track-and-trace solution.
  • Farm-to-Fork Strategy: The track-and-trace solutions work on the “farm-to-fork” strategy. They enable stakeholders to trace products’ journeys from their origin to consumption, help identify and address potential risks, improve efficiency, and build trust among consumers regarding the safety, sustainability, and integrity of the products.
  • Product Authentication and Anti-Counterfeit Solutions: With the rise of counterfeited products available in the global market, organizations have started to implement advanced track-and-trace solutions for secure product authentication and supply chain movement and visibility.
  • Blockchain-based Product Verification: Blockchain Authentication is a secure verification process in the blockchain network that enhances supply chain visibility, security, and transparency by utilizing cryptographic keys and digital signatures to authenticate users, devices, or systems, preventing identity theft and fraud. Blockchain authentication is also employed using a track-and-trace platform.

The concept of white-labeling presents a compelling opportunity for businesses seeking to enhance their offerings with minimal investment. With the product and document authentication sector witnessing continuous evolution and heightened competition, adopting white-label solutions emerges as a strategic decision to launch a product faster.

In this comprehensive series of blog posts, we present a pragmatic guide aimed at assisting businesses in selecting the most appropriate product and document authentication track & trace solution for their needs.

This blog post will discuss white-label solutions, their pros and cons, and how to leverage them to sell successful, scalable, secure products.

White-Label Solutions:

A white-label track & trace solution involves a pre-built track & trace platform developed by one company, rebranded, and distributed under another company’s name. Typically customizable, these solutions cater to various needs, from software applications to multiple systems. They are often offered under the software as a service (SaaS) model, allowing businesses to access advanced track & trace platforms for document & product authentication without an in-house development process. These services also include marketing solutions, customer support and customer engagement, logistics services, warranty product registration management, and product recall management.

Modern track & trace solutions should possess the versatility to address both present needs and future demands. For instance, while a company might currently utilize variable QR codes, it may eventually require the capacity to handle multiple codes, NFC tags, or diverse RFID tags. Such adaptability is crucial for complying with evolving regulations and capitalizing on operational efficiencies inherent in a well-designed track-and-trace platform.

The track and trace platform’s end users are unaware of the white-label arrangement. However, proper measures must be in place to safeguard the integrity of the white-label relationship and prevent service disruptions or potential customer confusion.

Benefits of Leveraging White-Label Solutions:

  • Simplified Market Entry: Especially crucial for smaller companies and startups with limited options, white-labeling offers market-standard ready-to-use solutions. This also offers rapid AI deployment services under the out-of-the-box AI model within days. Get the rapid AI deployment services now.
  • Reduced Risk of Product Failure: By acquiring products from trusted manufacturers, businesses minimize the risk of product failure, ensuring quality and reliability.
  • Strengthened Brand Presence: White-label solutions empower businesses to offer their customers high-quality products and services under their branding, fostering trust and credibility among consumers. This strategic approach helps companies to differentiate themselves from competitors and establish a position as industry leaders in their respective markets.
  • Enhanced Focus on Marketing and Sales: With the production aspect outsourced through white-labeling, companies can allocate more resources and time towards optimizing marketing and sales strategies, driving business growth.
  • Lower Production Costs: Compared to in-house production, white-labeling offers cost savings, enabling companies to maintain profitability while expanding their product offerings and market reach.

Cons of White-Label Solutions:

  • Limited Customization: White-label solutions may need more flexibility to align with unique business needs and branding requirements fully.
  • Dependency on Provider: Businesses relying on white-label solutions are subject to the provider’s performance and reliability. So, it is important to choose a reliable provider.
  • Potential Brand Dilution: Due to shared branding, there’s a risk of diluting the company’s brand identity and differentiation in the market.
  • Limited Control: Businesses may have limited control over product updates, feature additions, and customization options.

White-Label Product & Document Authentication Track & Trace Platform Overview:

White-label solutions are a great option for selling your customers a ready-made document and product protection track and trace platform. Your white-label solution provider should give you the following service offerings for the product & document authentication track & trace platform:

  • A Track and Trace platform
  • Product authentication solution
  • Document Management and Security system
  • Logistics & e-Logistics Management System
  • Item level tracking solution
  • Retail management system
  • Inventory management solution
  • Warehouse management solution
  • AI-powered Consumer behavior analysis and reporting system
  • AI-powered geolocation tracking system
  • AI-powered fraud detection system
  • Product management and landing management systems
  • End customer authentication system
  • Order management system
  • User permission management system

Features of White-Label Product & Document Authentication Track & Trace Platform:

  • Real-time Information: Utilize data-capturing devices like RFID readers and barcode scanners to gather up-to-date product information.
  • Customer Support: Access crucial business data 24/7 for effective business status reporting.
  • Global Visibility: Utilize EPCglobal standard-based network infrastructure globally, ensuring supply chain visibility for global trading partners.
  • Lower Total Cost of Ownership: Cloud-based track & trace platform eliminates the need for additional IT infrastructure investment.
  • Scalability: EPCglobal standard-based network infrastructure solution offers full scalability and upgradeability for added services and technologies.
  • Interoperability: Fully interoperable with existing workflows.
  • High security throughout the supply chain: Monitor the supply chain closely, accurately, and securely by employing Permission or role-based user management, continuous monitoring, and remote device control and device management systems.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the White-Label Partner:

  • Data Storage Location Flexibility: The white-label track and trace platform provider should be able to store data in the end-user country by deploying their platform within that country.
  • Unauthorized Data Access Prevention: The white-label track & trace platform provider must implement data-label classification, segregation of duties, and separation of developer, staging, and production server processes to mitigate unauthorized data access risks.
  • Highest Cybersecurity: The white-label solution provider should conduct frequent cybersecurity assessments to ensure the highest cybersecurity for the cloud-hosted track & trace platform.
  • Maintenance and Support: The white-label solution provider should be able to provide regular support, software maintenance, and periodical updates without breaching the data privacy and security of the platform, end-users, or anyone in between.
  • Different Pricing Models: The provider should have different and flexible pricing models to accommodate the unique needs of each business.
  • Strict with Protocols: The white-label solution provider should employ strict protocols, procedures, and policies to provide a solution that is compliant with the data protection regulations relevant to their customers.

Ready To Scale Your Business With a White-Label Product & Document Authentication Track & Trace Platform?

Reach out to NanoMatriX today and learn how we can develop a highly scalable, cyber-secure, flexible, and customizable track-and-trace platform for you and provide you continuous software support, so you can focus on marketing and selling the platform to your customers with confidence.

Schedule a demo with us now to start your journey to exponential business success!

Read the second blog post for NanoMatriX’s White-Label Product and Document Authentication Track-and-Trace Platform Series here.

About NanoMatriX Technologies Limited

NanoMatriX is a specialist in providing document and brand protection solutions. To solve our customer’s problems, we provide the following product and service categories:

  • Brand-/document protection platforms
  • Software development
  • Anti-counterfeiting products
  • Consulting services

The competitive advantages of NanoMatriX are:

  • Two decades of experience helping brand owners and government agencies fight product and document crime worldwide.
  • A unique combination of rare-to-find skills in linking physical overt, covert, and forensic security features with secure digital features.
  • Proven rigorous application of top cyber security and data privacy protection standards.
  • Multi-lingual, multi-cultural, and collaborative corporate culture.

NanoMatriX Technologies Limited is committed to the highest standards of cyber security, data privacy protection, and quality management. Our systems are certified and compliant with leading international standards, including:

  • ISO 27001: Ensuring robust Information Security Management Systems (ISMS).
  • ISO 27701: Upholding Privacy Information Management Systems (PIMS) for effective data privacy.
  • ISO 27017: Implementing ISMS for cloud-hosted systems, ensuring cybersecurity in cloud environments.
  • ISO 27018: Adhering to PIMS for cloud-hosted systems, emphasizing privacy in cloud-hosted services.
  • ISO 9001: Demonstrating our commitment to Quality Management Systems and delivering high-quality solutions.