MatriX-Mark™ Pigments

Covert & Forensic Taggants for Security Inks and Coatings

Distinctive solutions for protecting products and documents

NanoMatriX provides MatriX-Mark™ Taggant Pigments that consist of inorganic luminescent particles, which convert incoming invisible light into another type of invisible light that can only be measured with a customized detector. Their unique forensic security features can be verified via standard laboratory tests in local or international laboratories.


  • A wide range of taggants available
  • Melting point: Above 1000°C
  • Particle size range (Dv90): 500 nm to 15µm
  • Unique-custom-formulated forensic security features
  • Compatible with all printing technologies
  • UV-Resistant: Inorganic inert to UV radiation


  • ounterfeit resilient: Complex formulation
  • Banknotes physical/ chemical performance test passed
  • Optionally forensic security feature for legal evidence
  • Multiple in-field detectors, logistic or inline and detection systems available
  • Quality management (ISO 9001:2015)


  • Banknotes
  • Passports
  • ID cards
  • Tax stamps
  • Product markings
  • Certificates
  • Warehouse receipts
  • Electronic components
  • Luxury items

Protect your assets with NanoMatriX custom-designed solutions

NanoMatriX offers a diversity of security pigments that are widely used as strong covert and forensic security features to assist authentication of high value documents and products from world-leading brands and monetary institutions. Contact our anti-counterfeiting experts today and let us tell you how we can design an authentication solution tailor-made for your business needs.

About NanoMatriX

NanoMatriX develops and provides unique and highly customizable anti-counterfeiting and consumer engagement solutions. The adaptable anti-fake, antipirate and smart packaging solutions contain physical security features on products or packages as well as digital tokens. High performance and ease-of-use or our systems are warranted by applying Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Blockchain.

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