Every organization wants its confidential information and data to be secure. If the data get into the wrong hands, it could be misused and cause huge losses to the company. But in today’s world, if you are not careful enough, your identity could get stolen in the blink of an eye. Moreover, we hear of cases of copying important papers and fraud being committed daily. So the tempering of important documents causes a huge loss to the company and even becomes the reason for a particular organization’s downfall. 

No matter how careful you are, these fraudsters find some or other way to harm your organization by tempering these documents or creating a similar copy of these documents. Hence, protecting these documents becomes crucial but wouldn’t it be great if these documents were able to protect themselves? 

This is where high-security papers come into the role. Let’s understand these High-security Papers and how an individual or an organization can benefit from these documents. 

What are High-security Papers?

High-security Papers are the papers utilized in security printing, which possess some features that can be utilized to identify or authenticate if the document provided is original, e.g., invincible fibers or watermarks incorporated in the paper, or features that hint tamper evidence if fraud is attempted. The papers are often used in preparing bank notes and identification, such as passports. High-security Papers are also used to print certificates such as birth certificates and other certificates that confirm an individual’s academic qualification, as well as documents issued by the government.

These papers are also used for stock certificates, sensitive government documents, and certificates used by financial institutions. The main purpose of these papers is to stop individuals from counterfeiting.

Techniques to Implement High-security Paper

There are many techniques to implement High-security papers. These techniques include: 

  • Multi-tone or single-tone watermark- Ensuring that the same paper stock is used in copies.
  • A patterned or colored background- ensures that the alterations are visible. 
  • Intellectual property protection: Under this technique, some soft magnetic microwires are integrated inside the paper, and Electromagnetic systems provide a very successful solution against theft.
  • Use of a void pantograph which indicates that the document is photocopied.
  • Use of thermochromatic ink, which fades when rubbed.
  • Microprinting
  • Use Phosphorescent fibers in the paper which is only visible in UV light or fibers that can only be seen in daylight. 
  • Use of Metallised threads
  • Utilization of a pattern that can only be seen when the paper is exposed to oxygen or UV lights. 
  • Usage of Holographic images
  • The surface that could be scratched, e.g., scratch cards, phone cards, or gift cards, indicates that the information has been revealed. 
  • Taggants could also be added to the paper coating or base paper, e.g., Chemical DNA which cannot be decoded by normal means, and only special means have the potential to decode them and hence act as a unique identifier. 

How NanoMatriX Security Papers Could Benefit You

NanoMatriX is a Hong Kong-based company. Since 2004, NanoMatriX has provided bespoke anti-counterfeiting solutions to its users. NanoMariX solutions include document security and product smart packaging systems backed by web-based verification solutions. Many international brands and governments have found these solutions useful. 

Why choose NanoMatriX? 

NanoMatriX provides some security features in their papers that never fail:

  • Security inks are utilized, which include: color-changing ink, thermochromic ink, taggant ink, etc. 
  • All types of documents, such as educational documents, id cards, visa labels, secure tickets, etc., are available. 
  • Nano text and Micro texts are also available
  • Holographic stripe, stamp, or laminates
  • Lifetime protection against adulteration
  • Sequential numbering barcode 
  • Holographic hot stamp, laminates, or stripe
  • Friendly and Competent customer service
  • A huge range of anti-counterfeiting and security features are available
  • Your products get delivered in a very short period. 

Successful Projects of NanoMatriX

Recently NanoMatriX delivered about 50 tons of custom-designed high-security paper to an African national security printer. Early this year, the security printer approached NanoMatriX with a request to enhance the anti-counterfeit resilience of the present papers. With the utilization of NanoMatriX’s in-house security graphic design department, NanoMatriX was able to redesign the holographic security thread and multi-tonal watermark. In addition, overt and covert anti-copy features were added to ensure strong counterfeit resilience. 

All these projects were accomplished on time without compromising the quality of the product.


Security papers can do wonders and will secure your documents from counterfeiting. Many companies and governments have utilized security to ensure that the documents cannot be copied. These papers are generally made of natural materials such as cotton or pulp and are not as fragile as normal papers. 

So, what’s the delay? Go on the official website of NanoMatriX and make your documents, identity cards, etc. Extra secure and fraud-proof.